Sameer's Blog

My Photo
Location: Milton Keynes, United Kingdom

Hi there fellow bloggers. The idea of this blog arose from surfing for info on Campaign management tools out there & the work I do with Chordiant. That led to Blog 1 the serious one; and then came the more me blog… the fun one. Check out my 3 blogs... when you get time. Hope you enjoy it…

06 October, 2006

Where am I?

Joys of working from home

Dilbert: On day 4 I realised clothes are compltely unnecessary!!

With some amount of WFH, I thought these strips were oddly familiar/interesting..

Ah ... the comfort of working from home.

Ok maybe not really this one ... but kinda know the feeling ... its Monday morning ... etc etc..

Another friend hits the road

Continuing the travel theme, another friend and classmate - Amar is off on a grand Himlayan trek as well!

Check it out at If you have google earth you can follow this on Google earth at


Maybe there is an indicator from me somewhere here... time to travel ?

Travel the world...

Hi, just got a mail from my friend and ex colleague ... Pete that he is half way through his Africa and SAmerica tour and has posted some pics...
Have a look at