Sameer's Blog

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Location: Milton Keynes, United Kingdom

Hi there fellow bloggers. The idea of this blog arose from surfing for info on Campaign management tools out there & the work I do with Chordiant. That led to Blog 1 the serious one; and then came the more me blog… the fun one. Check out my 3 blogs... when you get time. Hope you enjoy it…

31 August, 2007

Toilet Humor

As spotted in the Office in Bucharest... Redefines 'Gross Toilet Humor'


Why not to drive in Bucharest

He had a (new) 4x4
He thought it was just a puddle
He was new to Bucharest!
Whatever the reason - here is what lies beneath those harmless looking puddles in Bucharest...

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Am back...

Not sure if any of my former readers even bother now - well in any case here is trying to catchup on things...