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Location: Milton Keynes, United Kingdom

Hi there fellow bloggers. The idea of this blog arose from surfing for info on Campaign management tools out there & the work I do with Chordiant. That led to Blog 1 the serious one; and then came the more me blog… the fun one. Check out my 3 blogs... when you get time. Hope you enjoy it…

13 September, 2006

Do you like Animation

Both Safeenaz (my better half) and I love Japanese animation, esp the work of our favourite, Mr Miyazaki.

Introduced to his work by a recomendation of Jonathan Ross, we now have our own small collection of his main works.

Here surfing the net I found the link to a few interesting sites:

Conversations on Ghibli - dedicated to all the Studio Ghibli / Miyazaki fans... - Has some fantastic music videos tributes to Miyazaki's work (need to register to see them).

Youtube - Just search for Mr Miyazaki & you can see some of the ones I am talking about...



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